[MH Rise Demo] Mizutsune Switch Axe Solo 4’55 (Round 3) | スラッシュアックス タマミツネ






[MH Rise Demo] Mizutsune Switch Axe Solo 4'55 (Round 3) | スラッシュアックス タマミツネ

It took a lot longer than I’d like to admit, but I finally managed to hit the sub 5 goal with Switch Axe. I hesitated a bit in publishing this video, not for the time (I am very satisfied with it
), but because I believe that of all the “good” attempts this is the one that represents the least the weapon moveset and what I have learned in hundreds of hours of fighting with Mizutsune.

BGM: Battle! (Lorekeeper Zinnia) from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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