[MHRise] High Rank with MayaFoxWitch & crisscros32~ [VOD]





[MHRise] High Rank with MayaFoxWitch & crisscros32~ [VOD]

Streamed on 2024.11.21
Original Title: MHRise Collab!! High Rank with @MayaFoxWitch & @crisscros32!

… Oops, I didn’t realize this stream split at a DC so the back 4 hours weren’t saved before purge!

0:00:00 Start-up
0:07:40 Intro
0:11:29 4* Aknosom
0:24:20 5* Urgent: Jyuratodus
0:41:00 5* Volvidon x2
1:01:01 Ads & Inventory Management
1:17:42 5* Rathian
1:27:10 5* Bishaten
1:39:29 Management
1:51:25 5* Royal Ludroth
2:00:07 Management
2:18:23 5* Pukei-Pukei
2:26:46 6* Urgent: Mizutsune
2:47:26 6* Nargacuga
3:04:08 Management
3:16:00 6* Barioth
3:28:23 6* Zinogre
3:41:30 6* Urgent: Ibushi Rampage
4:00:52 Ibushi’s Arrival
4:10:20 Volvidon Armour Calculating
4:21:54 5* Volvidon + Basarios
4:48:12 Ruins, Plains, Island, Forest Tours (bye cros~)
5:36:36 20 Uroktor / Rachnoids
5:40:22 Goofing off~

#vtuber #lgbtq #twitchvod #monsterhunter #monsterhunterrise — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dizzyrollsexe



