4K [MHRise Sunbreak] Goss Harag [Heavy Bowgun]






4K [MHRise Sunbreak] Goss Harag [Heavy Bowgun]

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak easiest weapon type for the beginners should be either Dual Blades or shield equipped Heavy Bowgun (HBG). Light Bowgun seems even easier at the beginning, but any monsters in Endgame can one hit, so that using Heavy Bowgun makes even easier for the first time players as well as players playing on handheld such as Switch or Steam Deck.

Between HR and MR, using Barioth heavy bowgun Guerrera Cannon I right up to Valía Cannon gives you an opportunity to fire pierce ammos one level higher than light bowgun. Barioth heavy bowgun tree weapons are very powerful, until chaotic gore magala heavy bowgun Ursprung/Mort, which I am using in this video.

Heavy Bowgun with shield is an ideal for beginners, specially it automatically blocks. Yes auto block as long as you stay still and do nothing such as shooting. Or there are unblockable attacks, which you can learn easily by using HBG with shield.

Guard skill Lv3 + Embolden Lv3 = Guard skill Lv10. Yes it is LV10, and it makes lower stamina drain after guarding. Embolden skill also tells you, when a big monster is aiming for you, so that be ready for counter charger (recommended) or counter shot.

Weapon used in this video Ursprung/Mort (chaotic gore magala HBG)
In order to activate frenzy virus, you need Virtue / Prudence Armor from Shagaru Magala.

#gossharag #heavybowgun #mhrise #sunbreak #ursprung #mhr #ゴシャハギ #ヘヴィボウガン #モンハンライズ #サンブレイク



